Reading the World – Part 20

Venezuela – Antarctica by Christina S . We have come to the end of our global reading journey. It has been an amazing literary journey and one that has certainly given me a new appreciation not only for the amazing books to be found around the globe, but also for how deep and diverse theContinue reading “Reading the World – Part 20”

Asian American Identity:

Rebuilding Through Literature by Samuel B. . . I suppose it’s really no surprise that I became a librarian. Whenever there is something I need to sort out in my life, the first place I have always turned is books. My multi-racial identity is no exception. I was always told that I was German, Japanese,Continue reading “Asian American Identity:”

Reading the World – Part 19

Turkmenistan – Vanuatu by Christina S . This is the segment that the United States should go, however Callie and I did an in depth series on reading the States earlier that covered each of the States and Territories. You can read those posts through these links: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3Continue reading “Reading the World – Part 19”

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